How much do you LIKE yourself?
Potential effects by Social Media on adolescents
Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook etc.
With the almost endless possibilities of the world wide web, it has been so easy not only to google anything you need to know but also to socialise with your friends or peers on different platforms whenever and wherever you are. It seems convenient to use tools like Whatsapp, Snapchat, Instagram, etc., to share anything you want with others and get immediate feedback.
Think before you act!
Your actions sometimes are influenced by how they would be perceived by others when posting them. Getting the perfect picture or video seems essential since you want to share it with others who don`t want to leave a positive track of himself/herself. After a while, you might get very experienced in being a few steps ahead of the action itself, and you can sense if others might like where you are, what you are doing or how you look.
With easy-to-fill-in emojis, you don’t even need to make a big fuss abound emotions. Choose in a sec which one suits you most, and that’s it!
You wonder what kind of response you’ll get. The amount of LIKES can either boost your self-esteem or destroy it. Being popular or following popular peers seems essential if you don’t want to end up alone or look like a nerd.
How much do you want to give up on your Ideas and opinions?
Do I like what I do without worrying about the judgements of others?
How does it feel to be in the moment? Are you the actor and the producer of your own life — no judgements from others to distract you from your point of view? Can you be kind to yourself, accept how you look or try to change something you can change because of your own decision without any pressure or influence from outside?
Mirror Mirror on the wall…
If you look in the mirror, you see what you see rather than a desperate person who tries to get approval from others.
Suppose you can look in the mirror now and then with a grin and smile and think positive about yourself. In that case, you might have outwitted the fake world of pseudo-identities, who might look happier than they are when they still wait for the approval, which eventually will never come to a full extent anyway.
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Published on 2018/12/27
Posted in: Children and Adolescents, Mental Health, Self-Care,